Once we recognize the presence of Christ in our midst, we cannot help but respond in love to those who make up his suffering Body here within the St. Thomas community and beyond. This includes those who are poor, sick, marginalized, frail, broken, persecuted and in special need. Working together, we can offer them our friendship, care, solidarity and attention to justice and peace.
Dearest Lord, may I see you today and every day in the person of your sick, and, while nursing them, minister to you. Though you hide yourself behind the unattractive disguise of the irritable, the exacting, the unreasonable, may I still recognize you and say: 'Jesus, my patient, how sweet it is to serve you'. Amen.
-Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
“If I encounter a person sleeping outdoors on a cold night, I can view him or her as an annoyance, an idler, an obstacle in my path, a troubling sight, a problem for politicians to sort out, or even a piece of refuse cluttering a public space. Or I can respond with faith and charity, and see in this person a human being with a dignity identical to my own, a creature infinitely loved by the Father, an image of God, a brother or sister redeemed by Jesus Christ. That is what it is to be a Christian!”
Pope Francis
Gaudete et Exsultate, 98