Come join fellow St. Thomas parishioners in deeper companionship with Christ through lectio divina, "where the Word of God is so read and meditated that it becomes prayer" (Catechism, 1177).
Tuesday Evening
Members of the parish gather Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM in the St. Thomas library to read and discuss Sacred Scripture together. Join us! To get to the library, you can use the door located on the side of the church along 27th Street, follow the stairs down to the large church hall in the basement and then turn right down a short hallway to get to the library.
“Faith is our response to a Word which engages us personally, to a 'Thou' who calls us by name.”
Pope Francis
Lumen Fidei, 8
O Lord and lover of men, shine in our hearts the pure light of your divine knowledge, and open the eyes of our mind to the understanding of your Gospel teaching....For you are the light of our souls and of our bodies, Christ O God, and we give glory to you, together with your eternal Father and your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and forever, world without end. Amen.
-St. John Chrysostom (347-407)